Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity. Good health helps us live a full life. Good tips to keep your health Beauty Life Style NUTRITION FITNESS WEIGHT LOSS.


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Weight Loss Exercises In 2 Weeks

Physical exercise is ideal for you to supplement your diet to lose weight and so you can improve your quality of life. If you do not have time or money, this is not an impediment for you to do homemade exercises to lose weight. Gymnastics to lose weight without going to the gym is very important because it will make you not only look splendid, but have a healthy life.

There are many people who today for various reasons can not perform physical activity, and this threatens the quality of life.

Physical activity helps you to:

1.Maintain your weight.
2.Improve your aerobic capacity.
3. Keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose 4. Within normal values.
5. Strengthen your bones and muscles.
6.Improve your flexibility.
7.Improve your mood.

1. Get a chair with armrests and sit on it, hold well and stabilize your body.

2. Press your back against the backrest and contract your abdomen so that you lift your legs. Let the knees point to your chest when you have raised your legs.

3. Do not break your back and remember to breathe gently.

4. Lower your legs slowly and do 12 or 16 repetitions.

* Crunchy ball

1. Lie on your back with the ball under the middle / lower section of your back.

2. Cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head.

3. Contract your abdomen to detach your torso from the ball, pushing the lower part of your rib cage toward your hip.

4. As you shrink, keep the ball steady and don't roll.

5. Slowly return to the starting position, stretching the abs. Perform 12 or 16 repetitions.

* Contractions with legs in an upright position

1. Lie on the floor on your back and extend your legs at a 90 degree angle, with your knees crossed.

2. Contract your stomach to lift your shoulders from the floor, as if you wanted to touch your knees with your chest.

3. Keep your legs in a fixed position and imagine, at the time of contraction, that you want to touch the spine with your belly button.

4. Lower and repeat 12 to 16 times.

 * Reach of ankles

The position for these exercises to lower the belly is on the floor with straight legs, raised to 90º from the floor; alternating hands will try to touch the ankle opposite the hand you are using.

* Aerobics, cardiobox, spinning, body pump or similar is also a way to lose belly quickly and is very easy, because they are just wanting to dance and move while listening to music.


Lying on the floor with your feet hooked in a small space, such as the edge of the bed or a large piece of furniture, your hands behind your head. Raise the chest until it is vertical and lower it, repeat 10-15 times.

* Lateral Flexion on the Head Using a Broomstick: You can simply do 2 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions on each side, do it 2 to 4 days per week, but once you do it with the broomstick it becomes very easy for you.

* Alternate elevation of the feet: Alternating rhythm is an effective exercise for the lower abdominals. You can perform this exercise at home or in the gym, just remember to keep your legs off the ground so that your lower abdominal muscles are going to be tense during the exercise.


1. Make a detox diet using juices. This type of diet cleanses your body of toxins and undigested food, while providing you with carbohydrates and sugars. Although this diet is not suitable for a long duration, as a "crash" diet means that it will help you lose a lot of weight in a short period of time.

2. If you like to exercise and have the time, you can lose 9 kilos by doing a lot of cardiovascular activity for two weeks. It is suggested to do 1 hour of aerobic exercises for 5 days in each of the 2 weeks. You can run, walk, ride a bike, swim or whatever you want. If you want to play basketball, tennis or take aerobics classes, that's fine too.

Do not do intense exercises and a juice diet simultaneously. If the one chosen to burn 20 pounds is exercise you need energy. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat, but consume a lot of vegetables, fruits and proteins. Make sure all fats are healthy like olive oil and canola oil.


It is convenient to remember the following points when exercising for obesity:

* Long exercise sessions (30 minutes or more) with very low intensity are preferable.

* Two weekly sessions is the minimum, but it is better to get to do it every day.

* It should start with swimming, continue cycling or rowing, then walk, jog and finally run. Start on soft ground and with sports shoes that cushion the impact on the floor.

* Individual exercise is easier to regulate intensity and quantity than team sports in which it matters to beat someone

* It should always be done simultaneously with a low calorie diet. Do not completely eliminate carbohydrates from the diet if you exercise to avoid the feeling of chronic fatigue.

Tricks to lose weight with exercises

1-To perform exercises in the best way to lose weight I recommend that you wear extremely comfortable, flexible and preferably cotton clothes and also the footwear should be light and comfortable.
2- Walking at least 15 to 30 minutes a day is a great benefit to lose weight, so when walking you can burn a large number of calories.
3-It is ideal that you keep moving at any time, use the stairs instead of the elevator, get off the bus one or two blocks before so you can walk.
4-Performing an aerobic exercise section with the Sprint will be a great help to burn as many calories as possible.
Every time you exercise, try to re hydrate as much as you can by drinking lots of natural water.
5-In addition to exercising, you must maintain a balanced diet and avoid eating foods that have a high percentage of fat.

Each routine starts with five minutes of warm-up, so every time you have to do you should not forget to perform this procedure. To have to preheat the body, what you really have to do is walk slowly and then a little faster.

It should be done for five minutes, it is the time necessary to warm the body. At the end, stretch your muscles a little, mainly those of the legs. Well now you know how to warm up, and do not go aside, I will detail the three workout routines to lose weight fast that you can start doing today.

To begin, you must perform cardiovascular exercises for thirty minutes. In this case, what you should do is go for a brisk walk for that specific time, but always keep up the good pace. In the case that walking at a brisk pace is quite an effort for you, you can walk at a normal pace but not thirty minutes but about forty five to sixty minutes.

Another exercise that you should add to this routine are those of muscle strengthening. To do it, you must work your arms with weights. Perform 2 series of work in the weight bench, each of twelve repetitions. You should also work the pectorals, with pulley and extensions, always two sets of twelve repetitions.

This routine starts with 50 minutes of riding a bike quickly. You must perform at an adequate pace, slowing down only in small moments. You have to tone your legs right away. For this, you can perform squats with weights, or you can perform lunges with those and also work in the press. For each of the physical activities you do you must complete with two sets of twelve repetitions.

This routine number three has 60 full minutes of aerobic activity. These are usually guided dances with music. You can also use a very common option today, which are dance classes to lose weight. In them you will work very well different parts of the body and they will make you burn much more calories and at the same time you will have a lot of fun.

And now it's time to strengthen the abs. To perform these exercises you can use a roller or you can simply lie on a soft and smooth surface. As for example, perform the extraordinary bike, the elevations with both legs or you can also do the usual abs, among several other options.

1.- Is it normal to lose weight in a short time?

No, when a person wishes to lose weight, because he has extra kilos, the best option is always to always seek help from professionals, that is, a nutritionist and a personal trainer that tells him what he should eat and how he should train to achieve its content in a short period of time.

When a person begins to lose weight quickly, it is because he is doing very strict diets that do not allow him to eat properly, or because he could probably be hiding some eating disorder, such as bulimia or anorexia, where they stop eating or vomiting occurs to Avoid getting fat. In short, losing a lot of weight in a short period of time is not healthy, you should lose weight progressively, eating well and exercising.

2.- What risks can I suffer if I lose weight in a short time?

When you gain weight, that is, when a person is overweight and obese, the body begins with a process, where calories are progressively increasing, therefore, as well as there is a period of time where you gain weight, also there must be a reasonable time to be able to get rid of that same weight gained, that is, it must be adapted.

There are many risks when you lose a lot of weight in a short time, including dehydration, feeling of fatigue, much more likely to suffer from diseases and eating disorders.

Again, it is important to emphasize that just as the body has to adapt to gain weight progressively, in the same way and progressively, you must lose weight, in a healthy way, with good nutrition and with exercises.

3.- How to avoid the rebound effect after losing weight?

The "rebound" effect is one of the most feared by all people who diets, it often becomes inevitable, but if you want to know how to prevent this from happening, pay attention to these 10 tips to counteract it.

4.- How to lose weight without complications and in a short time?

As we have already mentioned before, losing weight in a very short time is not feasible when you do it in a healthy way, just as the body takes a while to gain weight and gain weight, it also needs a prudent time to lose weight and gradually adapt to little bit. So, what you should do to lose weight, and see the results in less time than stipulated is, take actions that are a little more strict without falling into excess, here we will leave you some of the idea.

1-Restrict completely the consumption of sugar completely during the period of time you are in your weight loss plan. This is one of the causes of obesity and overweight, but it also makes the process much slower, in short, change sugar for stevia.
2-Minimizes the consumption of salt in meals, sodium is not only harmful to the body, but also makes the process of weight loss slower. Try to consume sea salt, instead of refined salt, and flavor foods with natural herbs and condiments.
3-Avoid consuming many carbohydrates, as everything is also essential in the diet but, if you want to see the results in less time, try to consume it in a minimum amount.
4-Eat more times in the day, but in smaller portions, this will allow you to always be satisfied, with the stomach working and speeding up the metabolism, which in turn translates into burning many more calories.

5.- What foods help you lose weight in a short time?

Vegetables, fruits, vegetables, vegetables, whole grains, healthy carbohydrates, among many others, but here we will leave a small list of some of the best foods to lose weight.

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