Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity. Good health helps us live a full life. Good tips to keep your health Beauty Life Style NUTRITION FITNESS WEIGHT LOSS.


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Fitness diet: how to lose weight in the gym?

Active physical activity and sports are not a guarantee that you can easily and easily get the figure of your dreams. It is important to adjust the diet. How to do this, read the new review.

Athletes with unanimous experience claim that training in the gym alone is not enough to get a dream figure. Most of them play a key role in nutrition.

And this is quite logical. It is impossible to lose weight if you exercise in the morning before a sweat, and in the evening eat cakes and pastries. In this situation, it will be a great success, if doing it, you will not begin to gain even more excess weight.

High-quality muscles and an elastic body can be blinded only with a competent diet, in which there is a lot of protein and vitamins. Therefore, if you do not see the result, although you give all your best, then you should reconsider your nutrition.

We share valuable tips on organizing a balanced diet that will help you lose weight if you work out in the gym.

1. The diet should fit your goals

Not always the motivation to lose weight and tighten the body remains with the person for a long time. It happens that after several months of regular visits to the gym, she leaves and returns only after a certain time.

One reason for this behavior is an improperly selected diet. This is either a lack of calories and a lack of strength to perform physical exercises and, as a result, exhaustion of the body, or too high calorie intake and lack of results, or even new extra pounds.

Decide for what purpose you are going to the gym. From this, and will need to build on, thinking through nutrition. So, if you want to lose weight, then the calorie content of the diet must be reduced, if you want to keep fit, keep it at the level, and if you do not mind gaining weight (and this happens), then eat more.

2. Choose simple food

Eat as simple as possible. It contains a minimum of calories and does not pose a threat to your waistline. Food that can be eaten raw, try to eat that way. Forget about high-calorie sauces, dressings, mayonnaise and other additions to dishes. You do not need them at all.

As for the cooking method, minimize or eliminate frying altogether. Cook, bake, stew, steam - there is still a large selection.

Think over your diet in advance. Do not hope that during the day you will be able to find an institution with wholesome and healthy food. Buy vibrant, colorful containers and bring delicious, simple food with you.

3. Do not starve

If you are determined to go to the gym to become slimmer and healthier, then forget about diets. A diet with a minimum of calories, which is very similar to a hunger strike, is not at all compatible with sports. After all, the body needs to draw energy from somewhere for training and recover from stress.

The lack of any substances and elements adversely affects the general tone and state of health. In this situation, physical activity can not only not benefit, but even harm.

4. Nutrition should be balanced and varied.

Sport dictates its own rules. Nutrition during physical activity should be balanced and varied. This means that absolutely all substances must enter the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. However, it’s also important from which products you will receive them.

Refuse semi-finished products, fast food, refined food. These products will minimize all your efforts and efforts in the gym.

It is best to eat fractionally when playing sports, that is, 5-6 times a day in small portions. So your body will always be full and full of energy, and training will not turn into debilitating executions. Vary the menu depending on the days when you are free and when you visit the gym. On training days, lean on carbohydrates and proteins.

5. Watch your health

Sport is useful not only for a beautiful figure, but also for strengthening health. Regular physical activity helps to develop endurance, prevent quick fatigue, make the body stronger, improve concentration, develop muscles, reduce the risk of headaches and stomach pains.

Meanwhile, not everyone can do it in the gym with large weights and the use of weights. When choosing an activity that is right for you, pay special attention to the individual characteristics of your body.

Before playing sports seriously and for a long time, it is advisable to consult a doctor and conduct a full examination to exclude negative consequences in the future. In the gym, work out with a trainer. This will help to reduce the risk of injuries that often occur in beginners and to put in the proper exercise technique. If you can not afford to engage with a trainer all the time, then take just a few classes and prepare important questions that you want to get answers to.

6. Pamper yourself sometimes

Active physical activity and regular visits to the gym should bring you joy and pleasure. This is not torture and hard labor, but a way to become more beautiful and healthier. However, often some people completely forget about it and torment their bodies with all their might, earning themselves psychological problems and preparing the ground for future breakdowns.

Do not be too hard on yourself. Sometimes you can step back from your usual diet and treat yourself to your favorite dish if you really want to. You will delight your taste buds and return to your usual diet, or even realize that you no longer like such food. The main thing is to treat everything wisely and not go too far in pursuit of beauty and the cherished figure on the scales.

7. Choose the right carbohydrates and proteins.

Proteins are very important for a fitness diet. They are the "building material" for the body of your dreams. If an insufficient amount of protein enters the body, then the muscles suffer from dystrophy and begin to destroy themselves, instead of becoming stronger and more enduring. Look for high-quality protein in lean meat and poultry, legumes, dairy products, for example, in cottage cheese.

Carbohydrates should not be afraid either. On the contrary, if you lead a sporty lifestyle, then you should make friends with them, but not with everyone. Include complex carbohydrates in your diet: cereals, durum wheat pasta. They charge the body with energy and for a long time retain a feeling of satiety. You should lean on carbohydrates just before training in order to be productive.

By the way, simple carbohydrates should not be ignored either. Some of them may come in handy. For what purposes we will tell a little lower.

8. Drink plenty of water

Water is the basis of life. Drinking regimen is especially important if you are actively involved in sports. Firstly, a sufficient amount of fluid consumed improves the digestive system, triggers metabolic processes, and helps to remove toxins from the body. This all plays an important role in losing weight.

Secondly, if you play sports, then sweat profusely. This is a completely natural process. However, the moisture that your body loses must be replenished. Otherwise, you risk earning dehydration of the body, which has very unpleasant consequences for the body.

For an adult, the daily intake of fluid is 1.5–2 liters. It should be noted that we are talking about pure drinking water, and not about soda, tea or coffee. For training, be sure to bring a bottle of water with you and drink.

9. Be careful about fats.

Many losing weight are afraid of fats and completely delete them from their diet. This is the wrong position. Especially if you work out in the gym and want to become the owner of a healthy and toned body. Proper fats strengthen the cardiovascular system, help regulate blood cholesterol, improve brain function, and support tissue elasticity.

Therefore, one should not completely forget about fats, you just need to competently approach the choice of products that contain them in their composition. Pay attention to low-fat varieties of fish and meat, olive oil, avocado, nuts.

An important point: immediately before training, it is better not to consume fats. They do not give clean energy, do not form glycogen stores and slightly slow down the metabolism.

10. Observe diet

An ideal fitness diet cannot be universal. It depends on many factors: your age, weight, goals, health status, level of physical fitness and many others. A trainer or a doctor, based on the plan of your training, will help you draw up a competent diet that is suitable for your body and will help achieve a dream figure.

However, a number of general recommendations still exist. So, you should not starve yourself before training and eat nothing after all. Both of these options are not suitable for you.

On training days, eat as follows. Eat complex carbohydrates and low-fat protein 1.5–2 hours before the room - they will give you energy for classes. If 30 minutes before training you feel that you are still hungry, then drink a glass of milk.

After training, you must close the "carbohydrate window." Here simple carbohydrates come in handy: drink a glass of fruit juice or a carbohydrate smoothie with glucose and honey, eat a small banana.

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