For beauty and health, most people want to show healthy and imperfections-free skin. There are many ways to take care of the skin and today many beauty products offer to give vitality to the skin and that appearance that we want to wear so much, however these products are usually expensive and require a lot of care to achieve the expected results.
Creams and products on the market may have some effectiveness to take care of the skin, however for this to work you must take into account other care that will complement the creams very well and that will help give you the skin that you want so much.If you still do not know how Having healthy skin without using additional products, today we are going to leave you with 7 very practical tricks that will help you take care of your skin's health.
Drinking water.
Surely on many occasions you have heard that drinking water is very beneficial for your health, the truth is that it is true and is a great ally to take care of the health of the skin. Drinking water is ideal to help the body eliminate toxins, artificial ingredients from food and other compounds that can clog the pores of the skin.
Being dehydrated can cause expression lines at an early age, for this reason it is recommended to drink as much water as possible. If you want a better result in the detoxification process, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice and preferably consume on an empty stomach.
Eat fruit and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables have always been known for their multiple health benefits, mostly they are composed of vitamin A and C which are responsible for improving the immune system; In addition to this its vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other properties help prevent premature aging and the signs of aging, improve the appearance of the skin and give it vitality.
Avoid junk food.
If you are one of those who constantly consume food with large amounts of fats, salt and sugars, you better leave these foods aside. This type of food damages the healthy appearance of your skin since it tends to dehydrate it, increases the production of fat in it, as well as can favor the appearance of acne and accelerates the aging process.
These foods are usually attractive and even delicious, but there is no doubt that they are very bad for the health of both our body and the skin.
Protect your skin from the sun.
One of the factors that most affect the health of the skin are the ultraviolet rays to which we are exposed every day, for this reason it is recommended to apply sunscreen every day before sun exposure. In the market there are different sunscreens with SPF variation to adapt according to the type of skin.
Keep your skin clean and hydrated.
Every day the skin is exposed to many factors that can accelerate the aging process, can cause dryness and remove the healthy appearance of the skin. Sun, makeup, and dust, among others, can cause your skin to become dehydrated, lose elasticity and firmness.
It is very important every day to make a proper cleaning of the skin, for this it is enough to use a soap according to your skin type and abundant water; You can also use a good scrub and moisturizers. Another alternative is to apply a natural mask at least 2 times a week.
Alcohol and tobacco, in addition to being harmful to the health of the body, is an enemy of skin health, since as a result it produces dryness, accelerates aging, and takes away its vitality and brightness. People who have these bad habits, usually, as a general rule, have a more aged appearance than the one that corresponds.
Consume aloe vera smoothies.
Aloe Vera is known worldwide for its multiple health benefits throughout our body. Although aloe vera is used to apply directly to the skin in cases of burns, consuming smoothies from this plant is ideal to have a hydrated skin with a natural shine; For this, all you have to do is liquefy aloe vera in juice or water and consume preferably on an empty stomach.
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