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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sex: These are the 10 health benefits

Countless studies in recent years have revealed some of the beneficial properties that sex has on our health. But which are the 10 most important of them?

- Gym:
By having sex the body is exercised, it stimulates blood circulation and burns up to 200 calories, which corresponds to half an hour of intense walking.

- Strong immune system:
Frequent sexual intercourse seems to increase the levels of immunoglobulin A which is involved in enhancing the body's defense according to research. In addition, frequent sexual intercourse equals, according to experts, with small tonic "injections" of physical and mental well-being. There are even studies that correlate the frequency of erotic contacts even with longevity.

- Fresh look:
It is thought that regular sexual intercourse is associated with elevated levels of estrogens which are thought to give a youthful appearance to the skin. Indeed, according to research from the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, students who responded to questionnaires that they had had sex on average four times a week looked younger than they were.

- Less stress:
During intercourse, endorphins - which help the body relax - are released - which is why we often want to sleep after intercourse - both men and women.

- Effective antidepressant:
Research has linked good sex life with reduced rates of depression. This phenomenon is attributed not only to the physical dimension of sexual intercourse, but also to the fact that people who have a partner feel desirable, which stimulates them mentally.

- Stimulating the heart:
Sex loves the heart and helps it function better. Research has linked frequent sexual intercourse (three or more per week) with a 50% reduction in the chance of a heart attack or stroke in men, according to a study by SageLab of the Department of Psychology at Queen's University.

- Analgesic:
The release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, during sexual intercourse seems to have beneficial effects on many levels, such as reducing the inconvenience of premenstrual syndrome in women.

- Psychological and physical advantage:
Sexually active women appear to be more susceptible to menopause and are less often suffering from symptoms such as atrophy and vaginal dryness, according to a study by the Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine. In addition, sexually active men also seem to enjoy an advantage in research linking frequent ejaculation with the lowest risk of prostate cancer.

- Sensory stimulator:
It sounds weird but after the erotic contact it seems that the sense of smell is sharpening!

- Pelvic training:
When sex is active, it helps to train pelvic floor muscles, thereby eliminating the risk of incontinence in older women.

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